we have . ragdoll kittens . we have 3 litters . born 8/10/2024 ,7/6/2024 and 7/10/2024 . center points cost 600 . solid chocolates . cost 400. solid blues . cost 450 . mothers and babies doing great . sweet babies . 4 center point chocolate male . 1 a blue center point . photo of babies . they act like ragdolls and have the trades . sweet and loving babies . we are taking deposits down on next litter. will have kittens in July and August . reserve your baby . get the color you want . cost by color . center point 600 . solid chocolate 400 . solid blue 450 . come with . vet check . shots . worming . flea treatment . ragdolls are .inside cats . big . fluffy . smart . loving very attentive . just follows you around . can learn tricks . protective over owners . great mousers . all parents are DNA tested . no health problems in my lines. we love are babies . they get the best of everything . katie 304-877-6025 or wolfhaven@live.com .