If you are planning to acquire any breed of swans for your private property and or business, and since we ship our birds everywhere.
Mute/Trumpeter/Australian Black Swans: Why purchase your swans from us? We consider ourselves a small breeder. And we will always be a small breeder. We do not breed any other waterfowl except Swans. Mute Swans are not community breeders. They need their own space, and a rather large one at that, on a body of water that allows them to live and breed as close to their natural setting as possible. The Australian Black Swan will breed in groups and sometimes produce a clutch two times a year unlike the Mute Swan which only produce one clutch a year. Winter months are the only time that multiple swans occupy the same water on our farm. Larger breeders breed all kinds of waterfowl and sometimes keep their swans in a pen, never giving them a chance to live in their natural habitat. This results in later breeding (at least 3 years if not more). Most of our pairs breed at 3 years and I believe this is due to keeping them in their natural habitat. However, just because you have a male and female swan doesn’t necessarily mean you will have cygnets! Most will but some simply are fertile. Please don’t misunderstand! I believe there are several large breeders that are good, caring, responsible breeders! We love each and every one of our swans and feel what’s best for them is best for us. All of our swans are free range. This does increase the challenges of breeding swans. Predators are the biggest issue along with the weather being a close second.
Availability: Due to our limited number of Swans produced each year, and our constantly changing inventory, please contact us so we both can make sure that Swans are a good fit for your property! Our swans produce a certain number of cygnets per year. We sell them on a first come first serve basis so please don’t wait until June to contact us looking for swans. Normally we can accommodate just about any request. We will NOT ship our birds USPS or before they are at least 5 months old. We will only ship via Delta cargo to major aiports.
Our prices are as follows:
Bewick Swans – $2,000
Black Necked Swans – $1,500
Black Swan – $2,000
Coscoroba Swan – $1,500
Whistling Swans – $2,000
Whooper Swans – $2,000
We Quote prices based on conformation to breed standard, physical appearance, veterinary care, bottle-raising, difficultly to produce said generation, documentation, socialization and demand.